Flowering & Evergreen Shrubs

Small shrubs are the staple to any landscape, providing arrays of color, texture, size and shape. The options are endless. They can be planted as part of the foreground or as the background covering foundations. Their foliage can be deciduous-turning colors and dropping in the fall or evergreen, remaining all winter long. Some even offer seasonal pops of color through stunning blooms or bright clusters of berries. Some optimize a formal garden look and others enhance woodland landscapes. These plants help landscape designs really come together.
Listed below are a general list of commonly found shrubs at our location from April through October. We encourage you to visit our facility throughout spring, summer and fall as some shrubs categories are seasonal. This list is not inclusive so please call if you are looking for something you don't see here. Please note that due to the living nature of these products, varieties will fluctuate throughout the season

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Flowering Shrubs


The classic rose is loved for its aroma and looks but they also are quite high maintenance. Que the shrub rose. Countryview's selection focuses on mainly SHRUB and GROUNDCOVER roses. These types of roses are one of the easiest to grow, due to their high disease resistance factor and low maintenance. Not convinced yet? These flowers have bloom cycles that last from spring to fall. Yes, they are one of the ONLY full sun flowering options that last all season long, aside from annuals. Specialty rose varieties can often be found around Mother's Day.


These shade loving early spring bloomers are impossible to miss with flower clusters around 8" wide. Blooms are stunning , but short lived so be sure to stagger with other later spring flowering companion shrubs to ensure long lasting color in your landscape.


A classic early spring bloomer! When one thinks of azaleas, a bushy shrub with small leaves and trumpet like flower clusters most likely come to mind. However azaleas can be deciduous as well. The primary difference between evergreen and deciduous azaleas is that deciduous azaleas lose their leaves in the fall, while evergreen azaleas retain all or most of their foliage year round. The show of blooms on the bare branches of deciduous azaleas is quite something!

Butterfly Bush

This beautiful, sometimes fast-growing, deciduous shrub with long spiked blossoms, bloom from summer to autumn. This plant is generally low-maintenance, only requiring dead-heading and annual pruning in later winter to encourage flowers and a compact shape. Assorted varieties bring variations in sizing and bloom color.


Hydrangeas can grow as climbing vines and trees, but are most commonly grown as a shrub. The beautiful flowers produced by this plant is what makes these so popular. Most put on a showy display from early spring all the way into fall. The large flowers come in a variety of shapes, colors, and sizes. Hydrangea blooms can be pink, blue, red, white, purple and green! Some even change based on soil compositions: Pink = basic to neutral soil and Blue = acidic soil. Most of these flowering shrubs can grow in partial shade but some can handle full sun. Our best selection of hydrangea arrive after the threat of frost has ended (May) and last through the autumn.


There's no better way to welcome the coming of spring than with the profusion of yellow blooms covering graceful, arching branches. This plant in full bloom is quite popular during early April and due to its seasonality it is only available until the current supplies last.


Weigela are easily grown deciduous shrubs. This old fashioned beauty offers prolific, trumpet-shaped flowers on gracefully arching branches in May. In addition to their beauty, weigela are loved by hummingbirds, and fortunately are not a favorite of deer.


Though flowers are minimal, barberries are still a popular option. They are super hardy, deer don't go near them, their small thorns make them an excellent barrier or hedge, they do just fine in sun or partial shade, and they come in all kinds of colors that add plenty of interest to the landscape. They do lose their leaves during the winter, so we recommend to plant them with evergreen shrubs.

Crape Myrtle

A classic southern tree or shrub, crape myrtles provide year-round interest and color with their showy summer blooms, colorful fall foliage and attractive winter bark. They are available in several sizes- from 2-foot shrubby dwarf varieties to tall trees. They offer many colors from white to shades of deep red and purple, and can be grown as single or multi-trunk specimens.


These easy-to-grow, low-maintenance, hardy shrubs grow best in full sun and are among the most fragrant flowers available to gardeners in our climate.. Most bloom in May; however there are early spring, mid spring, and late-season blooming varieties, as well as new re-blooming varieties that we snatch up when they become available from our suppliers. It's best to plant where their fragrance can be enjoyed like near a pathway, main door, or window. You can use lilacs as single specimens, in small groups, mixed in borders, or as a deciduous hedge.


Spirea have joined the ranks with hydrangea, azalea and lilac as the more standard landscape plant. Newer spirea cultivars not only have tidier growth habits but also more vibrant foliage, so they provide all around seasonal interest.

Evergreen Shrubs


Boxwoods are dense, evergreen shrubs often used as accents, hedges, topiaries, or in containers. Growing boxwood in your home landscape allows you to create a formal hedge, a matching border, cover foundations or even pair them to balance an entryway. Some varieties are also commonly planted as focal points within the landscape. Species vary tremendously in size, shape, leaf characteristics, growth rates, and hardiness. These classic shrubs are also popular due to their deer resistance.


Growing holly bushes in your yard can add structure and a splash of color in the winter and a lush, green backdrop for other flowers in the summer. Along with various sizes, these trees and shrubs come in a variety of forms: columnar, pyramidal, and rounded. Their foliage varies, too, ranging from large, spiny leaves to smooth, small leaves that closely resemble boxwood and are often confused with them as well. Their use is as versatile as boxwood as they too are commonly used for hedges, foundation plantings, in pairs as well as focal pieces. When most people think of holly, they think of a shrub with bright red berries and glossy evergreen foliage. Holly always looks this way, right? Well, not always. Winterberry holly, is a variety that loses its leaves each autumn. Not appealing yet? After the leaves drop, you are left with a breathtaking view of stems adorned with hundreds of brightly colored berries. The December color amidst all the fallen leaves of autumn is quite stunning.

Goldthread Cypress

The noteworthy quality of this evergreen is the bright yellow, golden string-like branches which drape and spread to form a dense mounding shrub. Easily shaped to keep small or pruned yearly to maintain it's shape, it is a local favorite for an instant splash of color.

Juniper Groundcovers

If you are looking for tough but attractive evergreen groundcover plant, these are them. These sometimes ground hugging, spreading varieties are perfect for use to cover embankments, slopes, hillsides or as a border in landscape beds and islands. Assorted varieties bring a multitude of options of color, height, texture and spread.

Dwarf Pine

These popular evergreens are often used as a sculptural accent plant throughout the yard.

Alberta Spruce

Prized for it's pyramidal shape and very slow growing form, the alberta spruce won’t outgrow it’s space. But will certainly add a lot of visual interest all through the year. Along with boxwoods and hollies, this hardy plant is also a favorable option for outdoor planters.


This dwarf evergreen shrub is quite popular due to its bright golden foliage that turns to coppery gold in winter. Perfect for rock gardens. Makes a great low hedge in its natural form, or clipped for a formal look

Golden Dust

This slow-growing evergreen shrub with yellow and bright green glossy foliage adds a burst of color to shaded areas.


Euonymus plant varieties are often selected for their attractive foliage and sometimes stunning autumn color.


Looking for an evergreen, semi-evergreen or deciduous shrub that is low maintenance, deer resistant, and provides attractive foliage, abundant blooms, fall color and winter fruit for wildlife? Viburnum are them. Suitable for a woodland garden or mixed border. Depending on variety, they can create a year-round focal point with the changing colors and potentially fragrant blooms. You can plant a row of upright varieties, such as Prague viburnum, to create an impressive hedge.


Yews are quite versatile. They can be used as a specimen or hedge. Some varieties are used as a privacy screen, although it's less commonly seen compared to the many other options available. They are known for their lustrous, dark green needles. They can be upright or spreading and some varieties have a higher deer resistance factor.

Japanese Andromeda or Lily of the Valley Shrub

This evergreen plant showcases pendulous chains of puckered flowers in the spring, with new emerging foliage that changes color over time. Use it in shrub groupings or as a foundation plant, or let it stand alone as a specimen plant that few other shrubs can rival. These shrubs do best in full to partial shade and rich, well-drained soil and an acidic pH.


This deer resistant marginally hardy flowering evergreen with dark, glossy leaves really make a splash in early spring or late fall lowering when most plants are going into or coming out of dormancy.

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